Main > WATER > Oxygenated Water

Product USA. H.

UPDATE 06.99
LITERATURE REF. Chem. & Eng. News; 03.05.99; p. 80:
Oxygen consciousness appears to be rising sharply, & none too soon. J.B. Cropley of Scott Depot, W.Va.; James Jackson of Carlisle, Ind.; & an anonymous correspondent saw in various publications an ominous advertisement. It warned that most vitamins, O & body electric prodts water purifiers & distillers cannot work because, since O has dropped to as low as 8%, todays water molecules are smaller & cannot hold the additional donor electrons (from O) needed to make them work. As a result, viruses & bacteria are mutating out of control, causing almost any problem you can name. Our patented method stretches todays water molecules so they can take on more donor electrons.
The aforementioned patented method appears to be The Living Water Machine, a 6-lb device you can use anywhere. How about that.
In a similar vein, Sandra Garber writes from Knoxville that her friend Sharon Dobbs, a microbiologist in New York, had kept the chemists in the Parallax Inc., Oak Ridge office chortling for days with tales of her encounters with the Water Lady. This salesperson tried repeatedly to sell her O-enriched water.
Garber also sent a label from the prodt in question. It is called Aqua Clara (anything less is just water) & is said to be bottled with 800% more pure O than ordinary water. With every sip, your body takes in extra O that is vital to life, health & energy
PATENT ASSIGNEE This data is not available for free
PATENT CLAIMS Apparatus for increasing the quantity of dissolved O in water
- Inlet for untreated water
- Cell housing having an electrolytic cell therein coupled to
the inlet
- A resident time housing connected to the cell housing at a
resident time housing inlet, the resident time housing being
vertically oriented & longitudinally extending for selected
vertical length above cell housing
- An outlet at the top of resident time housing for removing
treated water therefrom
PATENT PHOTOCOPY Available on request

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