Main > ELECTRICAL > DC to AC Conversion Org. Salts

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RESEARCH Organic salt turns DC to AC
A conducting organic salthas been demonstrated to possess the ability to convert direct current to alternating current. Materials with this ability display voltage-current characteristics that deviate from linearity and usually consist of semiconducting diodes in a series. The organic salt, named -(BEDT-TTF)2CsCo(SCN)4, where BEDT-TTF is bis-(ethylenedithio)tetra-thiafulvalene, consists of conducting layers of BEDT-TTF alternating with insulating layers of CsCo(SCN)4. Measurements of single crystals by Fumiaki Sawano and Ichiro Terasaki at Waseda University, Tokyo, and coworkers indicate that the organic salt “exhibits giant nonlinear resistance as a bulk phenomenon” (Nature 2005, 437, 522). For an organic salt to behave intrinsically in this way is unique, according to the researchers. Materials displaying nonlinear resistance are useful not only as components of practical devices such as DC-to-AC converters but also as systems to probe solid-state and statistical physics, the researchers write.

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