Main > COMBINATORIAL. CHEMISTRY > CarboHydrates. > Org.: USA. C. (Research) > Report Abstract

Developed CARBOHYDRATE-based MICROARRAYS to study carbohydra
te-mediated molecular recognition & ANTI-INFECTION responses

The arrays are made by transferring carbohydrate ANTIGENS to a nitrocellu
lose-coated glass surface using robotic equipment originally designed for spotting DNA. Polysaccharides over a broad MW range can be immobilized without chemical conjugation. However the efficiency depends on MW, with larger molecules being better retained. The microarray was used to detect Ab in as little as few microliters of human serum. About 20,000 antigen spots can be printed on a single microarray, which is enough capacity to include most known human microbial pathogens & tumor-associated antigens. The authors suggest that this technology could be used to develop biochips for a wide range of infections including HIV

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